36 M with Nausea,Loose stools,Tingling sensation in all 4 limbs

Medical case disscussion 

July 27,2022

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning  portfolio and your valuable inputs inthe comment box are welcome.
Name : Mounika 8th sem 

Roll no : 46

I have been given this case to solve an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical analysis data " to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including clinical history,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan


A 36 year old male patient farmer by occupation came to general medicine OPD with chief compliants of 
Decreased appetite since 1 year.

Nausea and Vomiting since 6 months.

Loose stools since 6 months.
Tingling sensation in his both Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs since 10 days.

Patient was apparently alright 1 year back then initially he had decreased appatite associated with nausea which was gradually progresed to complete loss of appatite with in 5-6 months but able to still manage his daily routine activities. Then patient developed vomitings, 4-5 episodes per day , greenish , immediately after food intake. With food particles as contents. Not a/w blood in vomiting.

Since 6 months patients had loose stools now increased in frequency since 2 months. 5-6 episodes per day, Watery consistency, large quantity, associated with greenish mucous with No blood in stools. 
Then problem of passing loose stools has worsened in past 2 months.
There is a significant decrease in his body weight in past one year ( 70 kg  --> 50 kg ).

Last month with similar complaints patient went to one of the corporate centers in nearest city and evaluated further where he also had intra hospital hypoglycemic attacks.

Not a known case  of  HTN , DM and TB.
No similar complaints in family.
Appetite : decreased
Sleep : disturbed and inadequate
Diet : mixed 
Bowel and bladder : irregular

 •Patient is examined in a well lit room after obtaining consent

Patient is concious, coherent and co-operative
Built : weak and malnourished.

There are no signs of dehydration.


Pallor : present

Icterus : absent

Clubbing : present

Cyanosis : absent
Lymphadenopathy : absent
Edema : bilateral pedal edema upto knees present(pitting edema)
Vitals : 
BP : 80 / 60 mm Hg
PR : 110 bpm
RR : 20 cpm
Temperature : afebrile
SpO2 : 98 % (@ room air )
GRBS : 98 gm/ dl

CVS : S1 & S2 Heard and no abnormal murmurs heard.

RS : BAE+ and NVBS.

Shape : mild distended 
Umbilicus: normal 
Movements : normal
Visible pulsations : absent
Skin or surface of the abdomen : normal 
PERCUSSION- tympanic
AUSCULTATION : bowel sounds heard

CNS : no focal neurological deficits

At his previous hospital 
Hb : 9.6, 
Albumin : 1 gm/dl, 
Cytology:showed mixed inflammatory cells with negative malignant cells and lymphocytes
Chest X-ray : normal

USG abdomen : thickening of terminal ileal loop, moderate ascites, bilateral pleural effusion.
CECT Abd : Diffuse long segment circumferential wall enhancement of small bowel loops
Colonoscopy:non specific segmental colitis

MRI Abd : subcentrimetric lymphadenopathy and tiny rt renal cortical cyst. 

H/o significant weight loss upto 20kgs with in 1 year. 
H/o blood in stools present once a while .

At our facility
Hb : 8.3
Albumin : 2 gm/dl
USG abdomen : Submucosal edema of multiple small and small bowel loops with moderate ascitis.
Short segment intussusception in large bowel at left hypochondrium.
X- Ray Chest :

ABG :  
pH 7.57
pCO2 : 19.8
PO2 : 114
Hco3 : 18.5
St. Hco3 : 22.8
Spo2 : 98

*Stool microscopy reveals eggs of Capillaria Philippinesis.

                                                                                                     Provisional Diagnosis :                                                
 Chronic diarrhoea under evaluation.
D/D :                                                                              
 Inflammatory bowel disease                          
 Protien losing enteropathy                              
 Whipples disease                                             
*Iv fluids 1 unit NS @ 75ML/HR                 
*T.Albendazole 400mg                                 
*Inj. Zofer 4 mg sos                                      
*Inj. PAN 40 mg IV BD                                   
*Inj. Optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS IV OD
*Inj. PCM 1 gm IV sos if Temp >102F         
*Tab. Loperamide 4mg po BD                      
*Tab. Sporolac DS po TID                             
*Ors sachets 1 packet in 1 ltr water.           
*HIGH Protein Deit.                                        
*GRBS 4th hourly.                                           


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