70 year man with left sided headache,left ear tinnitus with pain

Medical case disscussion 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning  portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box are welcome.

I have been given this case to solve an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical analysis of data " to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including clinical history,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan


 A 70 year old male Came with chief complaints of severe leftsided headache since 20 days associated with left ear tinnitus 


Patient was an alcoholic for 10 years uses to consume 90 ml per day and stopped 6 years ago after he developed pedal edema and was relieved in a month with treatment (didn't have any records )

Patient had diminished vision 4 years back (more in the left eye) and had left eye surgery (pterygium excision)

Patient had fever 20 days back one episode of projectile vomiting with food as content then he had 

left sided headache sudden in onset more during night time ,pricking type of pain associated with giddiness intermittently . Not associated with photophobia, phonophobia

 Ringing sensation in the left ear associated with pain since 20 days , unable to walk without support since 20 days 

No chest pain , No palpitations,  No polydypsia, No poly urea 

Nocturia - present 

Patient is found to be diabetic after admission 

N/k/o HTN, epilepsy, CVA,CAD


  •Patient is examined in a well lit room after obtaining consent

•Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.

 Well built and well nourished.

•No Pallor,Icterus,clubbing, cyanosis, koilonychia, edema 


Temp- Afebrile 


PR- 76bpm


Spo2- 96%

GRBS : 240mg/dl

Systemic Examination:

*Higher mental functions
Patient is conscious 
Oriented to time place and person
Well dressed, well behaved ,Speech normal 
Memory: intact 

*Cranial nerves
Olfactory nerve: smells perceived 
Optic nerve: counting fingers 6m for left eye , right eye only light perception 
III, IV, VI: ocular motility normal, pupillary reflexes normal
Trigeminal nerve: jaw jerk present, corneal reflexes present
Facial nerve: intact
Vestibulocochlear nerve: normal sensory hearing
IX, X: no difficulty in swallowing
Accessory nerve: neck movements normal

*Motor system
muscle wasting present 
Normal muscle tone
Power: upper limbs- right 5/5.  Left-5/5
              Lower limbs- right 5/5. Left- 5/5
Reflexes.                         Right.              Left
             Supinator-           2.                       2
              Biceps.                 2.                       2
              Triceps.                2.                      2 
              Knee.                    2.                      2
              Ankle                    2.                      2
        Finger to nose- present 
        Dysdiadochokinasea- present
Sensation- pain, temperature, proprioseption, vibration felt equally on both sides
Gait- unable to walk without support

RS- bilateral air entry present 

CVS : S1, S2 + no murmur, raised Jvp

P/A- soft and non tender

Examination findings : 

 Romberg's sign positive 

 Nystagmus negative 

 MMSC score -19 (uneducated)

 Raised JVP


Provisional : Headache under evaluation ?CVA

Denovo DM-2


14th aug 

Fbs 253

Ppbs 306

HbA1c 7%

15th  aug 

Serum potassium- 3.9

17th aug

Fbs 188

Final Diagnosis: 

Ceribro vascular accident with Acute Infract in right occiputal, parital and frontal regions
Hyperkalemia (resolved)

Denovo DM-II

 Glimiperide1mg + metformin500mg po/od before breakfast

Otrovin Nasal drops 3times a day for 5 days

T. Naproxen 250mg PO/BD

T. Ecosprin gold 75 PO/ HS


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