55 year old man with SOB

 Medical case discussion 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning  portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box are welcome.

I have been given this case to solve an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical analysis of data " to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including clinical history,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan


A 55 year old male, a resident of nalgonda, who is a farmer by occupation came for follow up dialysis with chief complaints of SOB since 10 days


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 years then had muscle cramps , increased frequency of urination, giddiness for which he went to hospital and was diagnosed with DM type II and is on medication (T.Glymiperide + Metformin) since then.

1 year back he had generalized weakness , polydipsia,polyurea, dizziness, visited hospital and was found to have uncontrolled DM 2 and is on insulin ( since then.

6 months back he was taken to hospital after experiencing palpitations , dizziness , blurring of vision , involuntary movements involving upper limbs & body and was diagnosed with hypertension & Renal failure.

H/o SOB since 6 months NYHA 1-2 and from last 1 month he developed sudden onset shortness of breath NYHA 3-4 , gradually progressive , orthopnea present, PND present

Low backache since 1 month 

No h/o fever, Chest pain, Palpitations, Syncope

Decreased Urine output since 1 month , thin stream , poor flow , increased frequency , hesitancy , Burning micturition present.

One episode of vomiting yesterday night 

•Past History : 

K/c/o DM-type II since 20 years 

K/c/o hypertension since 6 months

No history of asthma,TB, epilepsy, thyroid abnormalities

 • History of dialysis 

  1st - 31st may 2023 

  2nd - 2nd June 2023

  3rd - 5th June 2023 

  4th - 8th June 2023


Diet: Mixed

Appetite: Normal

Sleep: Disturbed ( PND +) , nocturia was present until 1 month back 

Bowel: Regular

Bladder: Decreased urination.

Habits: Does not consume any form of alcohol or tobacco.


Not significant


HAI & NPH 3 units (three times a day) Insulin for the past 1 year , previously was on glimi-metformin 2

TELMA for hypertension since the past 6 months


Until an year ago he worked as a farmer. Now he wakes up at 5 am. he takes his  breakfast at 7 am. Then does some household work, self chores . He then has lunch at 1 pm. Dinner at 8 pm and goes to bed at 9 pm. Nocturia previously up until 2 months ago (3 to 4 times)


The patient was examined in a well lit room after obtaining consent.

The patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative. He was moderately built and moderately nourished.Pallor: Absent

Icterus: Absent

Cyanosis: Absent

Clubbing: Absent

Lymphedenopathy : Absent

Edema: Absent 

Dry scaly patches over skin 

Vitals : 

Temperature - Afebrile

BP - 130/80 mm Hg

Pulse - 78 BPM

RR - 25 CPM

Rbs - 124 @ 7pm


Cardiovascular system:


Appears normal

Pericardium is normal

Apex beat not visible

Thrills absent

No scars, sinuses, dilated veins 

No precordial bulge is seen.


All inspectory findings are confirmed

Trachea is central 

Apex beat 6th intercostal space 1cm lateral to mid clavicular line.


S1 and S2 heard.

No murmurs heard

Respiratory system:


Shape of chest is elliptical and bilaterally symmetrical.

Trachea appears to be central

No scars , sinuses, engorged veins.

Symmetrical expansion of chest


All inspectory findings are confirmed

Trachea appears to be central

Tactile vocal fremitus normal


Resonant note is heard in all areas

•Auscultation :

Normal vesicular breath sounds are heard.

No adventitious breath sounds heard.


Abdomen is Normal

Moves symmetrically with respiration

Umbilicus is central and inverted

No scars or sinuses

No local rise in temperature

No organomegaly


Higher mental functions normal.

Cerebellar functions normal.

Cranial nerve examination normal.

Sensory examination: normal.

Motor examination:

Power: upper limbs: 5 bilaterally

              Lower limbs: 4 + bilaterally.

Tone: Normal

Reflexes:        R           L

Biceps:           2          2

Triceps:          2           2

Knee:              2           2

Ankle:             2           2

Provisional diagnosis:

Acute on chronic LVF

Chronic renal failure since 6 months

K/c/o DM-type II for 20 years

K/c/o hypertension for 6 months

●Investigations : 

X-Ray chest 

Interpretation : 


Mild Hazziness in the right and left lower lobes

Blood Investigations : 

Urea               - 119mg/dl
Creatinine     - 7.9mg/dl
Uric acid        - 7.7mg/dl
Potassium     - 4.7 mg /dl 

Alkaline phosphatase - 200IU/L
Total Proteins               - 5.8 gm/dl
Albumin                        - 3.14 gm/dl

Hb - 8.2 gm/dl
PCV - 23.9 vol%
MCV 79.1 FL
RBC count - 3millions/ cumm

RBS - 467mg/dl



Sinus Tachycardia
Heart rate : 100

USG Abdomen :

Bilateral Grade 2 RPD changes
Left Renal cortical cyst 
Left Renal calculus

• Final Diagnosis: 

Heart failure 

Chronic kidney disease on Maintenance Hemodialysis

K/c/o DM-type II for 20 years

K/c/o hypertension for 6 months

• Treatment :

Fluid restriction <2L /day

Salt restriction <2g /day

INJ HAI & NPH 3Units

Tab Lasix 40 mg BD

Tab Nicardia 20 mg PO/TID

Tab Arkmain 0.1mg PO/TID

Tab Orofer -XT PO/OD



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