A17 year girl with loose motions, Acute Haemolytic Anaemia

Medical case disscussion 

August 10 ,2022

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning  portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box are welcome.

Name : Mounika 8th sem 

Roll no : 46

I have been given this case to solve as an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical analysis of data " to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including clinical history,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan


A 17 year old girl resident of gouraram who is a student came with complaints of loose stools since 6/08/2022


A 17 year old girl who is the first child of a consanguinous married couple

her mother expired during the birth of 3rd child

She has 2 younger brothers who are apparently alright with no health related issues 

Since childhood she has been having recurrent Respiratory tract infections(She almost always had cold,fever,cough with sputum) aggrevated during winters

Since 6 yrs she is complaining of yellowish discoloration of eyes on and off , not preceeded by fever with no h/o pruritus,No history s/o CLD

h/o easy fatigability , generalized weakness since 6years

h/o short stature,failure to gain weight appropriate for her age

1 year back again she developed yellowish discoloration of eyes and fever 

Was told her haemoglobin was low and blood transfusion was done( 5 blood transfusions since 2016)

After transfusion her haemoglobin increased and again decreased and she was diagnosed with autoimmune haemolytic Anemia and common variable  immune disorder 

Then now on Thursday (4/08/2022) she consumed some outside food (Manchuria) and started developing loose stools (10 episodes per day)  - watery and bilious and not associated with blood in stools

She also had fever which was high grade associated with chills and subsided after medication,there were 2 episodes of fever one on Thursday night and other on Friday morning

No history of pain abdomen ,vomiting 


No similar complaints in the past 

•Known case of Asthma since the age 3 years

• H/o TB  at the age of 3 years

No history of DM ,HTN  ,Epilepsy ,Thyroid disease


Evaluated in various hospitals since childhood

since the age of

2 years(9/2005),7.3kgs wt, started having fever,cold ,cough with expectoration,during which her x ray showed right middle lobe consolidation,hb 8.8,TLC,plts Normal,CRP strongly positive,smear for MP+

Diagnosis:Failure to thrive with recurrent RTI's

Treatment:cefuroxime drops and treated empirically with ATT(Rifampicin, isoniazid,pyrazinamide for 2months)

even after that she had been having recurrent cold, cough and high grade fevers

23/3/2006:LRTI ,CSOM diagnosed and treated

22/8/2006:B/L bronchopenumonia treated with syp.cefpodoxime


13/9/2006(Age 3yrs):Monteux test was done :positive with Erythema 12mm,induration 12mm and was started on ATT again for 2months

Hb 10.8,Tlc ,plts normal

AEC 408

4/1/2007(age 4yrs ,Wt 10.5kgs):Her symptoms didn't subside and continued with ATT for 4more months

15/6/2007:cold,cough,fever (102F)returned

also gave history of itchy lesions over hands and was diagnosed with Scabies and treated with ivermectin,permite cream

20/10/2007:Acute LRTI treated with antibiotics

27/05/2009and 11/07/2009:acute LRTI treated with antibiotics 

7/9/2009:Hb 8.5,RBC 3million,AEC 476,


6/4/2011(Age 8yrs,Wt 11kgs) :LRTI treated with Iv antibiotics and inj deriphylline

serum ADA 10(normal <30)

12/10/2011:CT chest:Few prominent bronchi left lower lobe,B/L ground glass opacities

    USG :Borderline spleenomegaly

10/12/2011 :LRTI

14/10/2011: Recurrent RTI,Failure to thrive, Protein energy malnutrition

Their differentials were 

1.PEM with kochs

2.PEM with bronchiolitis

3.PEM with ?Enteric fever

4.PEM with ARI/Hyperactive airway disease

Hb 10.8,WBC , platelets normal,MCV 68,McH 20.5,MCHC 30.5

serology negative


2012 to 2014:5episodes of LRTI (Fever,cold,cough with sputum)

age 9yrs wt 13kgs

age 11yrs wt 16kgs

2/10/2014:Was having lesions on sides of neck and was treated with Acyclovir for Herpes

11/4/2016**:For the first time along with fever,cold and cough pt developed yellowish discoloration of eyes

Hb :9.0,RBC:3.1,TLC and platelet normal

TB 2.1mg/dl

1PRBC transfusion was done

Treated as ?Viral hepatitis

5/07/2016:cough+,chest x ray:Interlobar effusion upper and middle lobe, prominent brinchivascular markings? Bronchitis


12/03/2017(13yrs 23kgs):LRTI,chest x ray :B/L upper lobe consolidations,hb 10.2,CUE:pus cells 19-20,alb trac

15/8/2017,7/10/2017,18/10/2017: Recurrent LRTIs

31/10/2017 : Hb 10.6,TLc platelet normal


For the first she visited our Hospital with c/o cough since 10days,sputum,SOB grade 1

In the background of recurrent LRTI,2D echo was done

2D echo in our hospital showed Moderated SA VSD( left to right shunt),EF 68%,Good LV systolic function,trivial TR

hb 11,TLC 6200,plt 5lakhs

pt was immediately taken to cardiologist

2D echo at an outside corporate hospital:normal sized chambers,No RWMA,Normal LV/RV function.

Nothing mentioned about VSD

so she came back to our hospital and was in follow up with dept of TB and chest for 2 yrs till the end of 2018 being treated for allergic bronchitis

She was prescribed with various medicines for her Recurrent LRTIs(symbecort inhalers,moteleukast,aphylline tabs,Tab ferreo XT etc) and nothing helped

8/7/2019 to October 2019(age 14yrs wt 24kgs): They stopped coming to our hospital and went to other local hospitals for RTIs

Human growth hormone was done:4.53ng/ml (which is normal)

USg moderate spleenomegaly

hb 8.1,TB 2.1mg/dl

30/5/2020:loss of appetite and on and off pain abdomen(subsided later) upon her background of LRTI continued

16/08/2020 :Hb 8.1,RBC 3.7million,MCV 77,MCH 27.1,TB 3.9mg/dl

5/10/2020:Her yellowish discoloration of eyes recurred lasted for about 1 month and subsided on its own(TB 4.4mg/dl-->1.2)

18/1/2021:she again developed yellowish discoloration of eyes ,TB 3.9,direct 2.6,indirect 1.3, with mild spleenomegaly on USG

?Gilbert,? Hemolytic anemia


upper GI endoscopy done:Normal


Hb 5.6,RBC dropped to 1.2M***,MCV 141,MCH 36,Dimorphic picture shows macrocytic,normochromic ovalocytes ,tear drop cells and 7-8 rbcs/100wbcs

High performance liquid chromatography

HbA 87.4%

HbF 0.6%(<1 is normal)

HbA2 :3(normal 2-3.5)

serology negative

urine reactive for bile salts and bile pigments

Hb 6.0,RBC 1.9M,TB 3.1

She was taken to NIMS admitted under gastroenterology from 4/2/2021 to 13/2/2021

Hb 9.6

TLC plts normal

retic count 4%

retic index 1.85%

RFT normal

coombs DCT,ICT negative

thyroid function tests normal

ANA immunofluorescence negative

IgG TTG negative

anti endomyseal ab negative

G6PD 30.3 (normal)

LDH 544(raised)

Was prescribed with oral iron and B12 for 2weeks and she came back home

After 4days 17/2/2021 her generalized weakness,loss of appetite and jaundice has aggrevated for which she was admitted in local hospital where 2 blood transfusions were done

Before admission:Hb 6.5,TB 3.9,RBC 2M

At the time of discharge(20/2/2021)Hb 10.0,TB 2.2,RBC 4M, 

Total protein :6mg/dl

After 4days she was taken to a top govt hospital with drop in Hb again post transfusion (Hb 9.3,RBC 3M,plt 2L,DCT 3+)

1/3/2021 In osmania pt was adviced for vit B12 levels,folic acid levels,osmotic fragility test,serum ferritin,hb electrophoresis again

From there they went to a top corporate hospital where pt was diagnosed with ?AIHA 

adviced for clinical exome sequence,they gave the sample for sequencing ,it takes one month for the report(report awaited)

and was started on Tab Wysolone 20mg OD from march 1st 2021 and was asked to review after 2 weeks

but in the meanwhile pt and her attendors felt that her jaundice and her generalized weakness progressed suddenly and was brought to our hospital.

hb 3.2

tlc 8,200

plt 3.0l

RBC 0.8M**

MCV 116

MCH 37


RDW 25(increased)

TB 8.16

DB 0.77

AST 43

Alt 23

ALP 113

Tp 5.9

Alb 4.6

A/G 3.4

narrow gamma gap is noted

RFT : normal

PBS macrocytes,macro-ovalocytes,anisopoikilocytosis with hypochromia


DCT 4+(positive)

ICT 1+

Auto control 3+


Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Common variable immunodeficiency syndrome

Recurrent RTIs

Indirect hyperbilirubinemia

Failure to thrive

Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction

Treatment given : Pt was started on
Inj dexa 2mg BD
Inj ceftriaxone 500mg Iv BD
Tab Azithromycin (according to body wt)
Tab vit b12+folic acid Po od
Tab lasix 20mg PO BD

Sample sent for serum immunoglobulin levels

Transfusion done with 1prbc after testing many bags from blood bank,they provided us with best compatible possible that is on gel card method 1+,as her blood is incompatible with many other blood bags

Transfusion with 1 Prcb on the following day

Hemoglobin chart from childhood

Bilirubin chart from 2016(no previous values available)

O/E pt short thin built,Wt 28kgs

Ht 140cms

**A Total of 5 blood transfusions till date**


Diet mixed

Appetite Decreased

Sleep  adequate

Bowel (loos stools)and bladder (regular)

 No addictions

Menstrual history

Age of menarche at age 15 years 

Cycles are regular


No history of allergy to any kind of drugs

FAMILY HISTORY No significant family history



Patient was conscious coherent and cooperative

Poorly built,Not well nourished

Pallor - present 

No Icterus , Clubbing, Cyanosis, Generalised lymphadenopathy, edema



Pulse rate: 90 bpm

Blood pressure:110/70

Respiratory rate: 20 cpm





Symmetrical chest seen

No scars and sinuses 

Trachea central


Inspectory findings are confirmed


Resonant note present in all lung areas


Breath sounds heard. 



No Abdominal distension 

No scars, sinuses, mass visible


Inspectory findings are confirmed 

No local rise of temperature

Non Tender


Normal bowel sounds heard

No bruit heard


Inspection : Bilaterally symmetrical chest present 

                       No scars, sinuses


Inspectory findings are confirmed

Apex beat normal

On Auscultation : 

S1 S2 heard

No murmurs or additional heart sounds


Higher mental functions intact 

Cranial nerves intact 

No focal neurological defecits  


Acute Gastroenteritis 

Common Veneral Immunodeficiency with Autoimmune haemolytic Anemia

Recurrent RTIs

Failure to thrive

Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction






IV normal saline

Tab.PAN 40 mg PO OD

Tab.DOLO 650 mg PO SOS 

ORS 1 sachet in one litre of water

Plenty of oral fluids


Syrup POTKLOR 10 ml in one glass of water PO BD 

Tab sporolac TID


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